Updates and Announcements
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month
April is known as Volunteer Appreciation month as organizations take this opportunity to recognize and thank volunteers who lend their time, talent, voice and support to causes they care about.
All Thompson volunteers are invited to pick-up a free take-out meal any day between April 1 -16th. Please call in advance to schedule and pick up lunch and a small gift as a token of appreciation. A future in-person celebration of volunteers will be scheduled in our new building.
Celebrate March for Meals with Us
The month of March mobilizes hundreds of local Meals on Wheels (MOW) programs across the country to reach out to their communities and build the support that will enable them to serve America’s elder population all year long. As a member of the national organization, Meals on Wheels America, The Thompson participates in this annual celebration.
In 2024, we delivered 12,870 Meals on Wheels! Volunteers for The Thompson currently deliver 45 – 50 meals each day (Monday through Friday) to older Vermonters throughout the towns of Woodstock, Bridgewater, Barnard, and Pomfret.
The highlights of our March for Meals events this year:
- Our 11th annual Thank You Walk is on March 14th. Join us at 1:00 pm on The Green in Woodstock to “march” down Central Street to deliver thank you notes, cookies, and balloons to local business for their support throughout the year.
- Community Champions week is March 17-21 where town officials and local celebrities nationwide are asked to participate in meal deliveries and events. Our Community Champions will deliver meals on March 21st.
- March 19th at 10:00 am will be our annual MOW driver meeting providing an opportunity for a review of requirements/procedures, to share ideas, and to celebrate the wonderful work of our MOW volunteers!
- Special Thanks to the Woodstock Farmers’ Market for once again making our meals program the beneficiary of their “Round-Up” campaign!
- Watch for our Meals on Wheels coverage in the Vermont Standard and visit our Facebook page.
A Special Thank You to our Fabulous
Gala Sponsors and Donors!
Vermont Standard covers the Thompson renovation. Read here
Building our Future
Thompson Temporary Locations
Due to building construction we must move off site so that the new dining room and kitchen can be connected to the old dining room and kitchen.
We are excited to announce our new temporary program and meal locations:
Congregation Shir Shalom (1680 W. Woodstock Rd, Woodstock):
Foot Clinic
Medicare Counseling
Caregiver Support Group
Gentle Yoga
Bone Builders
Tai Chi
Strength, Stretch, Stability
Norman Williams Public Library:
and other special events
White Cottage:
Take-out Meals and MOW
Masonic Lodge:
Take-out Meals every Monday and Wednesday
Thompson Annual Meeting
Building our Future
Join us on Wednesday, October 30 at 10:30 am for our annual meeting and a delicious lunch to follow.
The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to vote on and welcome new board members and council members, celebrate achievements, and review our year-end (unaudited) financial statements.
We have lots to celebrate this year! The Thompson services are growing and we continue to serve more older adults each month. Over 200 new participants join us each year, as well as, many guests and family members. We are moving steadily toward an exciting future with our services and building growing to meet the needs of our community.
Our Lunch Menu Includes:
Spaghetti and Meat Balls with Parmesan Cheese, Roasted Squash, Caesar Salad, Fresh Fruit Salad
Suggested Donation: $7.00
Call 457-3277 to order lunch and RSVP for the annual meeting. In person with virtual option available.
September is
National Senior Center Month
Powering Connections
This Senior Center Month we explore Powering Connections.
Celebrated every year in September, National Senior Center Month is a time to shine a light on senior centers, showing the entire nation how vital they are to the health and well-being of a community. Senior Centers provide countless hours of support and encouragement to older adults, and have become integral to health care delivery in our communities by providing referrals for support at home, transportation to medical appointments, medical equipment, and vaccine clinics for participants. They offer a place for older adults to discover their unique interests, talents, and aspirations.
The Thompson Center works with community partners to provide access to health, economic security, social engagement, purpose, creativity, mobility, nutrition—all in a social and fun environment. Whether you’re attending one of our many exercise classes, an art workshop with ArtisTree, Medicare or benefits counseling, a special meal day, Summer Supper Club, or one of our day or overnight trips, The Thompson strives to provide social and meaningful connections to help our community age well.
This September, join us and senior centers across the nation to celebrate the impact that senior centers have on the communities that they serve. Our Annual Senior Center Month Chicken BBQ by Nate Willard will be held on Friday, September 20th with music by Liz Reedy, a local artist new to The Thompson. RSVP Required.
Building our Future Together
We’re making progress towards our long-term goal of a larger building to accommodate the growing needs of the communities we serve. If you’ve been to the Center in the past year, attended our Annual Meeting, or a monthly advisory meeting, you know we’ve outgrown our kitchen and too often experience waiting lists for lunches and programs. You’ve also likely seen our living room filled with lunch guests, or waited in the library for the only conference room to be ready for the next program. We’re bursting at the seams and it’s wonderful, but the time has come to create a better, more accommodating space to meet the needs we’re already experiencing and increase our capacity to be ready for the growth in our older population in the next 10 years.
The first thing you can expect to see in late July or early August is a new ramp installed on the right side of our building nearest to the front porch. This will be for dropping off and picking up people who need to use a walker or wheelchair and avoid the stairs. Parking will be in our main lot and Thompson staff can assist with parking, if needed. The timeline for the rest of the project is still being determined, but we anticipate 15 months from start to finish.
The most important thing to know is that we will continue to provide meals and programs throughout the project. We will have a period of time when we need to prepare meals offsite and host programs in other locations, but we will communicate that in advance when the exact timing is known. Meals, programs, and all aging at home support will continue throughout our renovation.
Please be in touch with Deanna Jones, Executive Director, with any questions at 802-457-3277 or djones@thompsonseniorcenter.org

NEW! Aging at Home Membership Card

“I called the first 6 places on the list the hospital gave me, and I couldn’t find a caregiver that comes to Pomfret.” “I just bought a shower chair.” “I couldn’t find anyone to install my air conditioner and it was so hot.” “I didn’t know The Thompson did that.” “I wish we had called you first.”
These are phrases and situations that we’re trying to prevent from happening with our new Aging at Home membership cards. Made to look similar to your Medicare or insurance card so you’ll think of The Thompson when a question arises, each registered participant of The Thompson will be receiving a card. You can refer to it yourself or even share it with your provider or family to let them know that you have The Thompson as a resource for any aging at home need or referral.
Beginning in June, you can pick up your card when you’re at The Thompson or expect one in the mail by the end of the month. Our Aging at Home Resource Manager, Shari, and all of the staff are waiting to hear from you with any questions. (802) 457-3277 or sborz@thompsonseniorcenter.org.
May is Older Americans Month
Established in 1963, Older Americans Month (OAM) is celebrated every May and led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL). The theme for 2024 is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being.
The Thompson Center plays a vital role in providing the connectedness that is necessary in supporting independence and aging in place by combatting isolation, loneliness, and other issues. We offer delicious meals, interesting and fun in person and online programs, medical equipment, foot clinics, advance directives, Medicare counseling, vetted referrals, and more, allowing our patrons to feel supported and engaged whether at home or through social interactions at the Center.
We hope you’ll connect with us and find the inspiration, friendship, support, and fun to age well. Visit us in person, or read more about our Aging at Home program on our website or contact us at (802) 457-3277. or info@thompsonseniorcenter.org.
Join us on May 7th at noon as we celebrate Older Americans Month. All patrons are invited to the Center for a time of celebration, recognition, and door prizes. Please sign up in advance by calling 802-457-3277. Suggested donation is $7.
Celebrate March for Meals with Us
The month of March mobilizes hundreds of local Meals on Wheels (MOW) programs across the country to reach out to their communities and build the support that will enable them to serve America’s elder population all year long. As a member of the national organization, Meals on Wheels America, The Thompson participates in this annual celebration.
In 2023, we delivered 12,461 Meals on Wheels!
Volunteers for The Thompson currently deliver 45 – 50 meals each day (Monday through Friday) to older Vermonters throughout the towns of Woodstock, Bridgewater, Barnard, and Pomfret.
The highlights of our March for Meals events this year:
- Our 10th annual Thank You Walk is on Friday, March 1. Join us at 10:00 am on The Green in Woodstock to “march” down Central Street to deliver thank you notes, cookies, and balloons to local business for their support throughout the year.
- Community Champions week is March 18-24 where town officials and local celebrities nationwide are asked to participate in meal deliveries and events.
- March 27 at 10:00 am will be our annual MOW driver meeting providing an opportunity for a review of requirements/procedures, to share ideas, and to celebrate the wonderful work of our MOW volunteers!
- Special Thanks to the Woodstock Farmers’ Market for once again making our meals program the beneficiary of their “Round-Up” campaign!
- Watch for our Meals on Wheels column in the Vermont Standard and visit our Facebook page for videos and more.
front of new building
back of new building
Building our Future Together
The Thompson Board of Directors has proposed that our building be renovated and expanded to better serve the older adults of our community. The renovation involves a 3,300 square foot expansion of the facility including: ,
- A major expansion of the kitchen and dining room to accommodate the overwhelming growth of our meal services
- A reconfiguration of the second floor to include additional community, activity and meeting spaces
- Additional second floor office space for our staff
- ADA Compliant upstairs bathroom for our participants
Contact Executive Director, Deanna Jones, if you would like to support this mission-critical project. djones@thompsonseniorcenter.org or (802) 457-3277
Tips to Avoid Scams and Fraud – Be Aware and Be Informed
Scams and fraud attempts are on the rise and can happen to anyone. Learn how to protect yourself.
As of early June, Attorney General T.J. Donovan is warning Vermonters about a new variation of the family emergency scam in which scammers are demanding that cash be handed over in person to a “courier.” By presenting a fake emergency in which their loved one needs help getting out of trouble, scammers pressure panicked family members, including grandparents, into acting before they can realize it’s a scam. Until recently, scammers took a hands-off approach in collecting money, demanding gift cards, wire transfers, or virtual payments. Now, the Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) is receiving reports that scammers are enlisting “couriers” to collect cash directly from unsuspecting family members at their homes to resolve the fake emergency. Vermonters who receive these calls should resist the urge to act immediately and take steps to verify the caller’s identity.
“These scenarios are designed by scammers to be emotional and high pressure,” said Attorney General Donovan. “If you are presented with this type of scenario—pause, hang up the phone, and call a friend or family member to verify. Do not give money to someone coming to your home. Instead, call local law enforcement and the Consumer Assistance Program to identify and report the scam.”
If you or someone you know has lost money to this scam, contact law enforcement and report the scam to CAP at 1-800-649-2424. Learn more about family emergency scams by watching CAP’s Avoiding the Family Emergency Scam video and reviewing steps to verify at https://ago.vermont.gov/cap/family-imposter/ and attend our upcoming program on July 21.
CAP advises Vermonters to slow down and follow a plan to not get scammed. Use the SLOW method in urgent situations.

Information taken in part from www.ago.vermont.gov